A 45-Year-Old Man With Seizures and Meningitis

Juan Carlos Sarria, MD, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, La., David M. Mushatt, MD, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, La., David H. Martin, MD, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, La.

[Infect Med 16(2):84-88, 1999. c 1999 SCP Communications, Inc.]

Our patient is a 45-year-old white male with an unremarkable past medical history who was brought to the hospital by ambulance with persistent generalized tonic-clonic seizures. On arrival at the hospital emergency room, he was given intravenous lorazepam and a loading dose of phenytoin, but his seizures were still not controlled. He then required intubation for mechanical ventilatory support. He was subsequently transferred to the medical intensive care unit for continued management.

There was no history of prior seizures or evidence of head injury. The only additional information on admission was that he drank alcohol excessively. The family emphasized, however, that he had never used illicit drugs and had never smoked. He lives in New Orleans and has had no recent history of travel. The family history was negative for seizure disorders.

Initial physical examination revealed a temperature of 98.6¸F (37¸C), blood pressure 137/90mm Hg, pulse 97 beats/minute, respiration 26 breaths/minute, and oxygen saturation 98% on 40% oxygen by mask. He had no rashes, but there were minor scalp lacerations and facial abrasions. His pupils were 3mm bilaterally and sluggishly reactive to light. His neck was supple. His lungs were clear, and the cardiovascular examination was normal. Abdominal exam revealed no masses and no organomegaly.

Neurologic assessment indicated a Glasgow Coma Scale of 8. He was described as lethargic, responding only to painful stimuli. He moved all extremities, and there was no facial asymmetry. He had positive corneal and gag reflexes. He demonstrated clonus, symmetric in the lower extremities. There were no meningeal signs.

Initial laboratory examination yielded a normal hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count. His WBC count was 12,900/mm3 with 82% segmented neutrophils, 10% lymphocytes, and 8% monocytes. Electrolytes, glucose, and liver enzymes were normal. Blood alcohol and a blood drug screen were both negative. A lumbar puncture yielded an opening pressure of 29cm of water. The CSF contained 21 WBC/mm3 (normal, 0-5) with 99% lymphocytes and 1% granulocytes. There were no RBC. CSF glucose was 89mg/dL (normal, 40-70), serum glucose was 106mg/dL (normal, 70-110), and protein was 99mg/dL (normal, 5-40). An electroencephalogram (EEG) showed epileptogenic bilateral cerebral dysfunction, and a CT scan of the brain was normal

Differential Diagnosis

Dr. Mushatt: Seizures in alcoholics are usually a consequence of acute withdrawal or hypoglycemia related to heavy alcohol consumption. However, we don't know whether this gentleman is really what we consider an alcoholic, since excessive intake is quite a subjective concept. What may be excessive to one observer might represent social drinking to another. In any case, early laboratory data indicated that our patient had not consumed alcohol and was not hypoglycemic.

Our differential diagnosis must therefore focus on the abnormal findings in the CSF, which demonstrated a mild pleocytosis and protein elevation. The white cells could be attributed to the seizures themselves, although such changes usually occur in seizures following strokes. There is a continuing debate as to whether seizures not associated with cerebrovascular accidents produce such changes. I have personally seen mild pleocytosis in patients with idiopathic seizure disorders and similar chronic abnormalities in the CSF of alcoholics. The EEG obtained in this patient suggests diffuse cerebral dysfunction, which might be due to metabolic or toxic factors. The normal CT scan also rules out large mass lesions. At 45 years of age this patient's presentation would be late for idiopathic seizure syndromes, although it is conceivable that a small scar or brain abscess serving as an epileptogenic focus might be seen on MRI.

We should next consider infectious causes of the CSF changes. If the patient is truly an alcoholic with cirrhosis, he would have an increased propensity to gram-negative bacterial infections, although these usually present as spontaneous bacterial peritonitis caused by Escherichia coli or other coliforms. The increased incidence of such infections is in part a consequence of complement abnormalities resulting from impaired liver function.

Certainly the most common cause of a mild lymphocytic pleocytosis with an increase in protein but no hypoglycorrhachia is aseptic meningitis, caused by a number of viruses -- particularly enteroviruses. These infections are generally mild and not associated with seizures. It would be important to know whether enteroviral infections were being seen in the community. In our region, most of these infections occur during the summer months. His presentation is more like that of meningoencephalitis, and next, I would consider herpes simplex virus since it is a treatable etiology. I would want to obtain not only viral cultures for this organism, but also a PCR for more rapid diagnosis. I would strongly consider beginning acyclovir therapy empirically until the etiology is resolved.

Arboviruses may also cause encephalitis, and once again epidemiologic information is quite important. Are we seeing other cases of St. Louis encephalitis or eastern equine encephalitis in our community? These 2 viral pathogens are occasionally encountered in southern Louisiana. There is of course no treatment, but I would obtain serum for antibody determination. I would also like to save some CSF for viral culture, particularly for enteroviruses. A PCR for enteroviruses is also available and would be useful if other tests are negative.

The 2 great masqueraders that are possible etiologies in this patient are Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Treponema pallidum. The CT scan has failed to show evidence of tuberculomas and the chest film is clear, but tuberculosis can present with almost any spectrum of manifestations. Strong evidence against this etiology is a normal CSF glucose. I would still place a PPD skin test to help rule out tuberculous meningitis, but often the skin test is negative in such patients. Therefore, I would save some of the CSF for mycobacterial culture and perhaps PCR. A mild CSF pleocytosis with a predominance of lymphocytes is compatible with neurosyphilis, and testing for this organism is readily accomplished by obtaining a CSF-Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) and appropriate blood tests. This should be done early in the course of his management.

I think I would begin antimicrobial coverage for the more common bacterial organisms causing meningitis, such as pneumococcus, meningococcus, and, in this case, Listeria monocytogenes. As mentioned, I would also consider beginning acyclovir.


Hospital Course

The patient was initially begun on ampicillin and ceftriaxone at dosages prescribed for the treatment of meningitis. The day after lumbar puncture was performed, the laboratory reported a positive CSF-VDRL with a titer of 1:256. The patient was then begun on aqueous crystalline penicillin G, 24 million units a day, administered as 4 million units IV every 4 hours; this regimen was continued for 14 days. A diagnosis of syphilis was subsequently confirmed, with a microhemagglutination assay for antibody to T pallidum (MHA-TP) in serum. The HIV serum antibody test was negative. By the second hospital day he was awake and alert, but remained confused and appeared to be delusional. Repeat neurologic examination revealed hyperreflexia and bilateral ankle clonus. His hospital course was one of gradual improvement to the point that he was able to ambulate on his own, but according to his family, his mental status never returned to normal. He was discharged to the care of a sister.


Final Diagnosis

Parenchymatous neurosyphilis, general paresis variety


Syphilis is a systemic disease caused by T pallidum, with manifestations that vary according to duration of illness. CNS involvement may occur during any stage of the disease, with such findings as ophthalmic or auditory dysfunction, cranial nerve palsies, and signs of meningeal irritation. These syndromes of neurosyphilis were first described during the sixteenth century. Once penicillin became available in the early 1940s, the incidence of syphilis rapidly declined, as did the incidence of CNS disease caused by T pallidum. More recently, the AIDS epidemic has been associated with an increase in the incidence of syphilis and its varied manifestations. However, overall incidence continues to decline to where it now appears possible to achieve total eradication.

Clinical Features

Most of our understanding of neurosyphilis is derived from observations reported decades ago. In a large collaborative study published in 1932, 3244 patients with syphilis were carefully evaluated.[1] This report well supported the axiom that syphilis can mimic any disease, and this description certainly applies to neurosyphilis. Neurosyphilis syndromes were rarely seen as pure entities and usually overlapped with other disease manifestations. CSF abnormalities were found in 25% of patients with primary syphilis, 35% of those with secondary syphilis, and 56% of those with late secondary infection.

The clinical presentation of neurosyphilis has changed somewhat since the prepenicillin era in that asymptomatic or "atypical" disease is currently more common than the originally described severe CNS manifestations.[2] Asymptomatic disease demonstrates a peak incidence 12 to 18 months after primary infection, and constitutes one third of all neurosyphilis cases. Spontaneous reversion occurs in 70% of cases.

Acute syphilitic meningitis mimicking viral meningitis is relatively rare, accounting for only 6% of neurosyphilis cases in Merritt's series.[3] These cases usually occur within a few years of the initial infection and may be seen as part of the secondary syphilis syndrome. About 40% of cases of acute syphilitic meningitis present with cranial nerve abnormalities involving the third, sixth, seventh, or eighth nerves.

Meningovascular manifestations have a peak incidence 4 to 7 years after infection and are characterized by mononuclear infiltration of the meninges and focal or diffuse vasculitis, which results in thrombosis and infarction. The clinical presentation is one of aseptic meningitis, strokes, impaired sensorium, seizures, and cranial nerve involvement; the seventh and eighth nerves are most frequently involved. Spontaneous resolution can occur in less severe cases, and response to therapy is usually complete.

Parenchymatous neurosyphilis, a relatively rare form of disease, is characterized by neuronal loss, demyelination, and gliosis. This entity may present as either general paresis or tabes dorsalis. General paresis reflects severe cortical dysfunction with a peak incidence 10 to 20 years after primary infection. Patients manifest, to varying degrees, psychiatric changes, poor cognitive function, dementia, delusions of grandeur, pupil abnormalities (Argyll Robertson), tremors, expressionless facies, and hyperreflexia. CSF pleocytosis is always present. Depending on the duration of symptoms, many of the manifestations of general paresis may not be reversible, and those patients who do improve may be left with significant residual disabilities.

Tabes dorsalis, the most common form of neurosyphilis during the prepenicillin era, is a result of destruction of dorsal nerve roots in the spinal cord. This occurs 15 to 25 years after initial infection. Clinical manifestations include lancinating pain, paresthesias, decreased deep tendon reflexes, ataxia, incontinence, sensory loss, and cranial nerve abnormalities. Argyll Robertson pupils may be seen in these patients as well. Improvement of the neurologic disease associated with this syndrome does not follow treatment, as the damage to the dorsal spinal cord root is irreversible.

Gummatous neurosyphilis is the most uncommon form, resulting from severe inflammation and local tissue destruction that produces a mass lesion. Any area of the CNS can be involved.

In a review of 241 neurosyphilitic patients published in 1972,[4] 52% had a prior history of syphilis, but only 56% of these had been treated. Symptoms included seizures (24%), ocular changes (12%), impaired consciousness/stroke (11%), and psychiatric changes (10%). Forty-three percent were asymptomatic. An abnormal neurologic exam was found in 76% of these cases. Abnormal ophthalmologic findings were seen fairly frequently and included Argyll Robertson pupils, ptosis, uveitis, retinitis, and optic atrophy. Although the CSF fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test (FTA-ABS) was positive in all patients, only 48% had reactive serum VDRL determinations, and 57% had a positive CSF-VDRL. A CSF pleocytosis >5 WBC/mm3 was seen in 82%, and a protein concentration >45mg/dL in 39%.

Seizures are relatively common in neurosyphilis, reported in 24% of 282 patients studied in the mid-1970s.[5] Focal seizures were seen in 13% of these patients, generalized seizures in 35%, and combined focal and generalized seizures in 52%. In this study, seizures were more common in patients with meningovascular syphilis. EEG findings consisted of focal nonspecific slowing in most cases, but in 20% the EEG was normal. After therapy, 47% of patients remained seizure free, 35% had less frequent seizure activity, and 17% had persistent seizures. Seizures may be the only manifestation of neurosyphilis. Testing for syphilis should therefore be included in the diagnostic workup of any patient with adult-onset seizures.

It is likely that our patient had general paresis based on his mental status changes, including a delusional thought pattern and hyperreflexia. A cortical pattern of brain injury was further suggested by the presence of bilateral ankle clonus. He only very gradually regained the ability to walk, and he left the hospital unable to care for himself. Though not clearly associated with this form of neurosyphilis, it was of interest that this patient had an extraordinarily elevated CSF-VDRL titer.

There are no large comparative studies that clearly indicate that neurosyphilis is more severe in HIV-infected patients, but some evidence suggests that in these patients, syphilis has a more protracted and malignant course. Predisposition to CNS involvement is greater, and relapses and failures after therapy are more common.[6,7] HIV patients may have an impaired immunologic response to T pallidum. However, there is a lack of correlation between progression of disease to involvement of the CNS and CD4-cell concentrations. Prevalence of syphilis in HIV ranges from 5% to 44%, and 2% to 58% of HIV-infected patients with syphilis develop neurosyphilis.[5] The diagnosis of neurosyphilis in HIV-infected patients is difficult because false-positive and false-negative serologic tests are common. In addition, CSF pleocytosis is seen with HIV infection alone and may confuse interpretation of laboratory changes, which should suggest neurosyphilis or other CNS infections.


Despite the increasing importance of syphilis in the HIV era, there have been few advances in the diagnosis of this disease. Because T pallidum cannot be cultured, serologic tests are the main means of obtaining a diagnosis. The CSF-VDRL is an acceptable screening test; it is highly specific, but the sensitivity is relatively low (30% to 70%).[7,8] A nonreactive result therefore does not exclude the diagnosis. CSF treponemal tests (microhemagglutination T pallidum, FTA-ABS) are highly sensitive, but less specific. These tests are broadly reactive at various stages of syphilis. False-positive results occur when Ig crosses the blood-brain barrier or when blood contaminates CSF during lumbar puncture. A nonreactive result excludes the diagnosis, but a reactive result is not necessarily diagnostic.

CSF WBC and protein are considered indicators of CNS disease activity, but they too are nonspecific, especially in HIV patients. CSF pleocytosis and high protein are seen in up to 30% of HIV patients without neurosyphilis or other CNS infection.

Other tests or ratios of tests designed to detect intrathecal antibody production (T pallidum hemagglutination [TPHA] index, IgG TPHA ratio, quantitative MHA-TP) have been developed in an attempt to improve specificity. The TPHA index takes into consideration the integrity of the blood-brain barrier by comparing CSF and serum albumin concentrations.[7] These tests have been studied in HIV-infected and uninfected patients with a nonreactive CSF-VDRL and appear to have utility, but their accuracy remains unproven and will continue to be unproven due to the lack of a "gold standard" test for the diagnosis of neurosyphilis.[8] PCR amplification of T pallidum nucleic acids in the CSF has been attempted; however, the role of this technique is unclear because of the small number of patients studied thus far.[9]


There have been no large, prospective studies evaluating newer antibiotic regimens for neurosyphilis since penicillin was evaluated in the 1950s. Though never rigorously studied because of its very potent activity against T pallidum and very rare reports of treatment failures, penicillin remains the drug of choice. The current recommendation for neurosyphilis is 18 to 24 million units of aqueous crystalline penicillin G, administered as 3 to 4 million units IV every 4 hours for 10 to 14 days.[10] Some experts have suggested that 8 to 10 days of therapy are adequate. Occasional failures have been reported, even with 14 days of therapy. Treatment effectiveness is difficult to assess because the organism cannot be cultured or visualized in CSF specimens. Because of concern for persistence of slowly dividing organisms after therapy, particularly in AIDS patients, most experts recommend at least 2 weekly IM injections of penicillin G benzathine at a dosage of 2.4 million units after the completion of IV therapy.

All other regimens, usually considered for penicillin-allergic patients, are less well studied. The most popular alternative is doxycycline 100mg PO bid for 28 days. However, in general, penicillin-allergic patients with neurosyphilis should be desensitized and treated with penicillin. Ceftriaxone 1g IV or IM once daily × 10 to 14 days has been evaluated in HIV-infected patients; a failure rate of 23% was reported in 1 series.[11]


A repeat examination of the CSF is recommended every 6 months for 2 years. CSF pleocytosis should resolve rapidly, while protein concentrations return to normal more slowly. The CSF-VDRL is the last parameter to become negative. Persistence of CSF-VDRL at lower titers is not necessarily indicative of active infection nor of any necessity for additional therapy if the CSF pleocytosis and protein concentration are improving. Patients with persistent CSF abnormalities are at higher risk for disease progression.

Drugs Mentioned in This Article




Omnipen, Principen, Totacillin, generic




Doryx, Doxy, Monodox, Vibramycin, generic





Penicillin G benzathine

Bicillin L-A, Isoject, Permapen


Dilantin, generic